Leather will help to stop the claws and fangs of a beast, but a determined foe will be able to break through the material. Serrations added to catch enemy blades, quillons removed to hide a dagger within a belt, armor joints padded to decrease sound when moving. I have also spawned in a new Improved Armorers Bench and a new Thrall (I am the admin) and it still only gives me limited crafting options. The tinkers bench is where ordinary weapons and armor pieces are altered to increase utility, concealability, or serve a special function. I used to be able to see my feats as craftable items in this bench and suddenly its not there anymore. Trade Alchemist's Bench: A bench for crafting potions - 40 inventory slots, Crafts faster than Improved's Alchemist Bench.

Leather can be stiff and difficult to work if it has not been correctly treated, but there is a fine line between softening the leather too far and having it lose its protective properties. This is on an Improved Armorers bench with a named Thrall. Improved Alchemist's Bench: A bench for crafting potions - 40 inventory slots, Crafts faster than Alchemy's Bench and reduces craft cost.

Supple material that offers enhanced protection.